About us

The project aims to enhance the experience of second year mathematicians so that those who arrived at university inspired to learn mathematics leave reporting a positive and successful experience. As a consequence, future cohorts will be encouraged to consider studying STEM. We aim to effect significant change to the culture of teaching and learning in the School – one that is more collaborative and responsive to students' needs.
The objectives are to stimulate enthusiasm, improve engagement, satisfaction and pass rates, particularly in historically difficult and problematic modules.
A broad-ranging team has been formed: mathematicians, educators, undergraduates, postgraduate tutors, a research student, learning technologists, staff from the Teaching Centre. Together they will seek to achieve the objectives through pedagogical changes aimed at developing a more active, collaborative and engaging curriculum. Substantial opportunities for student input into the change process, resource generation and for student involvement in delivery through peer mentoring are key elements.
Our intended outcomes are: improved performance, engagement and satisfaction; raised levels of staff awareness of students' aspirations and expectations; extensive staff development. Outputs include learning resources, project reports, conference papers, articles for practitioners and journal publications for the educational research community. Establishment of a peer mentoring scheme is a further output.
Here is an excerpt from the HE STEM Programme newsletter (Autumn 2011).
Watch here what two of the student interns had to say about their involvement in this project and what they gained from it:
The project runs from January 2011 until July 2012.